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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - originaladj.


Связанные словари


1) initial, first, earliest, primary, beginning, starting, basic: The original report made no mention of any missing jewellery. 2) native, indigenous, autochthonous, aboriginal, primordial, primeval, primitive: At first, we could find only slight traces of the original inhabitants. 3) master, actual, primary, authentic, true, genuine, real, basic; prototypic(al) , archetypal, source: I have the original document and my lawyer has a copy. 4) creative, novel, innovative, unique, imaginative, unusual, inventive, ingenious; firsthand, fresh, underived, unprecedented: The film is based on a highly original story by Daphne du Maurier. The author has some original insights into Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia. --n. 5) prototype, archetype, source, model, pattern; master: The original hangs in the National Gallery. 6) eccentric, nonconformist, individualist, Colloq case, card, character, Brit queer fish: True to his reputation as an original, Wilde sauntered down the Strand with a lily in his hand.
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